Water Research at KIT
A special focus is on the following topics:
- Process research on water and matter cycles in all environmental compartments,
- Fundamental research and development of technologies for water treatment,
- Development and application of numerical and physical models, and
- All aspects of integrated water ressources management.
Examples of joint projects:
Characterization, Assessment and Management of Urban Aquifers
Groups involved: AGW Engineering Geology and others
moreInvigorating Hydrological Science and Teaching: Merging Key Legacies with New Concepts and Paradigms
Groups involved: IWG, SCC and others
moreImplementation of an Infrastructure for Data-Based Learning in Environmental Sciences
Groups involved: IWG, SCC
moreKarst Aquifer Resources Availability and Quality in the Mediterranean Area
Groups involved: AGW Hydrogeology and others
moreThe institutes involved are well equipped with laboratories (for example water chemistry, hydraulic engineering, geochemistry), field observatories (for example TERENO Pre-Alpine Observatory (TERrestrial ENviromental Observatories), several national and international measurement sites and catchments), and large equipment (for example cloud chamber AIDA, NMR, computing clusters).
Water research at KIT is linked to the KIT Climate and Environment Centre, to the Water Research Network Baden-Württemberg, and to the Helmholtz Water Network.